Preconception Care

A Preconception Care Visit is conducted over zoom. We will take a full health history, review any blood work you may have, discuss how to identify your fertile window, make recommendations to support your body, create an individualized fertility enhancement plan,  and review logistics on working together in this process.

At this time there are three packages available to establish care with me as your midwife in this process. The kind of preconception care we provide is innovative and comprehensive and is based on the prenatal care model. We will have regular visits in which I offer emotional and logistical support and guidance on an ongoing basis within the container of our visits together instead of primarily communicating over email or phone after the initial consultation. 


  • Initial Preconception Care visit + three 60 minute follow ups = $750

  • Initial Preconception Care visit  + three 30 minute follow ups = $595

  • Initial Preconception Care visit  + one 60 min follow-up = $450

Package 1: Initial Visit + three 60 minute follow up visits over the course of 3 months
After the Initial consultation we will schedule three 60 minute follow-up consultations in which we will address ongoing logistical/physiological/emotional needs. The first visit will be scheduled two weeks after the initial consult, and then the next two will be monthly thereafter with flexibility. If something urgent comes up, it will be possible to move up the timing of the next visit. 

Package 2: Initial Preconception Care visit  + three 30 minute follow ups over the course of two months After the Initial consultation we will schedule three 30 minute follow-up consultations in which we will address ongoing logistical/physiological/emotional needs. The first visit will be scheduled two weeks after the initial consult and the second will be one month thereafter. If during the course of a visit it becomes clear that a 60 minute visit is necessary you can always change packages. If something urgent comes up, it will be possible to move up the timing of the next visit.

Package 3: Initial Preconception Care visit  + one 60 min follow-up within one month After the Initial consultation we will schedule one three 60 minute follow-up consultations in which we will address ongoing logistical/physiological/emotional needs. This visit will be scheduled two weeks after the initial consult.  If something urgent comes up, it will be possible to move up the timing of the visit. If during the course of the visit it becomes clear that a second or third visit is necessary you can always change packages.

Topics covered in these sessions might include:

  • Choosing sperm: donors, fresh vs frozen, vial quality and quantity, etc

  • Conception timeline, when & how to try to conceive

  • Adjusting lifestyle choices to best support your hormones

  • Appropriate testing and imaging to assess fertility

  • Interventions to improve hormone levels, egg quality, and sperm quality

  • Filling out forms you might need to purchase sperm

  • Any other of the many burning questions that always come up along the way

*Cancellation Policy

If you decide not to use our services within 24 hours of a confirmed appointment time, we will charge a $50 cancellation fee.